Investment Strategy

MidRail will invest in and develop assets where it can be a catalyst for outsized value enhancement and growth.

Our team has unparalleled rail operations, strategy and finance backgrounds. The team also has relationships across nearly all facets of railroading: Class I and Class II railroads, rail operations, major industrial customers across North America, rail management strategy firms, rail engineering consulting firms, and lesser known rail financing sources.


MidRail’s Investment Strategy is Focused on Developing Assets for Outsized Value Enhancement and Growth

Leverage relationships to procure single source projects and commitments while taking advantage of larger rails’ new strategy of focusing on aggregating small volume business
Leverage knowledge of existing rails’ weaknesses, problems, needs and opportunities; create strategic transformation plans accordingly
Look where others aren’t looking and identify in advance where large rails may be divesting smaller lines and core and non-core assets, both independently owned and shared, and target those assets
Bring credibility and deep Class I relationships to the table and provide capital for organic growth and acquisitions
Speak the railroads’ and customers’ language and de-risk high return projects by developing simple but innovative operating plans and securing capital and customer commitments in advance
Pursue green opportunities with near and long-term financial advantages and proven economics
Evaluate and embrace proven technology for significant rail productivity improvements that may be “off-label”
Take advantage of tight capital budgets of larger and medium-sized railroads as well as the trucking sector’s struggles (expensive drivers, millennium desires, restrictions, insurance and regulation) by creating a premium rail infrastructure
Catch new waves early, such as the shift towards reliability, security, and safety and take advantage of industrial / commercial "first and last mile" requirements and the need for intermodal connection points
Find new intermodal processes, techniques, markets, transportation types and relationships